While the average consumer does not feel the price difference because salt makes up such a small portion of a typical grocery bill, the markup supports a vast and pernicious underground market, the authors wrote. 这些作者写道,虽然由于食盐在平时的杂货开销中所占比例较小,普通消费者没有感觉到价格差别,但这种利润支撑着一个规模庞大的、有害的地下市场。
Gotta rely on federal price supports. 必须依靠联邦政府的补贴。
Price supports and deficiency payments apply only to certain basic commodities such as grains, rice and cotton. 平价补贴和补贴付款只适用于杂粮、大米和棉花等基本商品。
But high and rigid price supports were retained for certain commodities, and extensive government management of some farm commodity markets continues. 但某些产品仍保留高额的固定补贴。政府对某些农产品市场的控制也还在继续。
Subsidies to consumers may contribute to the cost of agricultural price supports. 对消费者的补贴会增加农业价格支持的成本。
Raise price supports for dairy products 提高乳制品的物价补贴
Monthly reviews matching discrepancy reports for price discrepancies and takes appropriate action; supports finance department to solve invoice and payment issue; 每月对发票和订单的数量及报价的差异进行分析;协助财务部门解决发票和付款问题;
The slowing of both consumer and wholesale price rises supports the view of the Federal Open Market Committee, the US interest rate setting body, that the economy is cooling, and increases the chances that the pause in the two-year cycle of interest rate rises may continue. 消费与批发价格双双放缓,支持了美国利率决策机构联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的观点,增加了委员会继续暂停升息的几率。联邦公开市场委员会认为,美国经济在降温。
China uses subsidies and price supports to farmers to remain nearly self-sufficient in wheat, the USDA says. 美国农业部表示,中国通过为农民提供补贴和价格支持,在小麦上基本上仍能实现自给自足。
In simplest terms, the law called for price supports for basic farm commodities to change in response to shifts in average market prices. 简单说来,这项法令要求对基本农产品的价格补贴应随着平均市场价格的变动而变动。
We have high-standard scheme and planning ability and skilled practical experiences, good credit, high quality and preferential price, so we have gained supports and credit from customers. 我们拥有高水平的规划设计能力和丰富的实际经验,良好的信誉、优良的品质、优惠的价格使我们赢得了客户的广泛支持和信赖。
Agriculture protection is total appellation to a series of agricultural support and protection policies that a government takes, and cannot be simply understood as trade protection or price supports. 农业保护是一个国家对农业所采取的一系列支持与保护政策的总称,不能将农业保护单纯理解为贸易保护或价格支持。
Corresponding to market policies, many incentive policies have been adopted over around the world, such as investment subsidies price subsidies, tax credit, R& D supports and technology demonstration. 与市场开发政策相对应,各国在不同历史时期对风电实行各种经济激励政策,包括投资补贴、价格补贴、税收优惠、科研开发和项目示范。
According to the characteristic of stock price around these actions, the "price illusion hypotheses" has been put forward. A logit model has tested the hypothesis, and the result supports the hypotheses. 根据上市公司送股转增前后股票价格的变动特征,本文提出了价格幻觉假设,并用logit回归对该假设进行了检验,经验研究的结果支持价格幻觉假设。
The core process and its key role of vehicle dealer sales service are analyzed. And the three factors of sales power rise are studied, including the region and price management, the vehicle dealers incentive and the on-site supports for ability enhancement. 在分析经销商销售能力提升对汽车生产商重要意义的基础上,剖析了经销商销售服务核心流程及其关键作用,并进行了经销商销售能力提升的3方面因素研究。